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ok Ok...its been too long my dear friend

I feel as though I am letting NYC defeat me.  We've battled lots of things - incliment weather, bad drivers, bugs, and all the assholes out there.  Now we are being forced out of our apartment as our asshole landlord is raising our monthly rent 22%. wtf.  I'm ready to throw in the towel.

Sorry for the "Debbie Downer" posting here.  Let me try to highlight the good things.  Max and I have made lots of friends here.  We have been able to lots of fun things with me not working.  Playing in the park, going to the zoo, and lunching with friends.  It has been really nice. Lots of people have come and visit, so we get to play tour guide, which is always fun as it usually means lots of drinking and eating.

We have visitors thru the end of June, so I am going to put off the inevitable until then (ie. moving)

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