
WOW. Has it really already been 4 months? 

Clara is getting so big. I feel like we are blowing right thru this infant stage. She barely wore any of her baby clothes.  Shes already 18lbs at her 4 month visit last week [back breaking!]


Shes getting very strong.  Can almost sit up independently.  Loves to laugh at her silly brother

I'll try to post more soon xoxo


A long overdue post...

Geez. I have been majorly chilling on the slacker front. Its been over a year since my last confession/post/bitching session.  

SO much has happened - for starters we have another one of these lovely little beings in our house now :


Clara was born April 19th, 2014. 

8.6 lbs

nearly 22" long

She came fast and furious.  I was rather shocked at just how fast she came.  It was such a miracle that we made it to hospital just in time.  Three short pushes and she was in our world.  She is a fantastic baby with a hearty appetite.  Shes a gigantic baby already!! Danny and I are over the moon!

Ok I'll post more soon...I promise. 



What a year its been...

...and its only the end of May.  Somehow, time seems to be flying by.  We hung out with family, had back issues, went camping, endured colds and sickness.  Please let the rest of the year move forward without any other speedbumps.

I was looking thru photos recently and it hit me hard like a a brick wall...i. miss. brooklyn.  I can try to find similarities here in Alameda but they will never be anything like Brooklyn.  Friends, Prospect Park, Zoos, Coney Island, Aquarium, walking miles and miles without even knowing it, traveling everywhere by subway, breaking my back hauling a huge ass 2 year old around and paying way too much for rent (ok I dont miss the last few)

I think its hot enough in NYC (really it was 100 yesterday!!??) right now that we'd be doing this right about now...


Here's a few faves from Bklyn (there were way too many to choose)

BAREBURGER with Auntie Momo

Mister Softee at JJ Byrne with my pals

Pied Piper of Park Slope

American Museum of Natural History...and the T Rex!



Today is the day that I have come to terms that I am no longer in my 20's.

I keep pulling at strings to retain my youthful edge.  As I near the mids of the 30's, I havent had anything that really made me think about having to "dress" my age.  On recent trips to Urban Outfitters and Forever 21, I was not able to find anything my style or that I like - which is highly unusual.  Today, I have come to terms with having to dress more the "mom" part, since I got a J fucking Jill catalog in the mail. This is a place that my 60+ year old mom loves. All the J Jill models look about 35 and momlike. Apparently, Bootcut jeans, crisp white cotton shirts, and leather flats are all the rage in the mom community.  I'm fucked. I dont care if I look like an idiot, I'm wearing my skin tight skinny jeans, and baggy tees until I'm 80 years old.


Its been awhile since I have written anything.  Guess I just haven't been inspired recently.  I was trying to think of a direction for this blog and I think my new focus will be on all the good shit I acquire with my cheap Ass Bitch skills combined my obsession with the silliest three year old you know.

Stay tuned.



Why does time fly by so fast?

Sometimes I feel like I need to pump the brakes - but I'm never able to find them.  Its been a whirlwind since we migrated back to the Bay Area.  We left Brooklyn in July and stayed for a few months in Orange, CA.  Grandma and Grandpa were there, so it felt like an extended vacation.  The days were warm and sunny, and we certainly made use of it.  Outdoor swimming classes w Max (this Irish girl got her a tan!), going to the beach, First trip to Disneyland for the lil guy, hanging out with friends in Orange, Camping, Camping and more Camping. And hitting up Garage sales - this cheap ass bitch loves her some garage sales! It was a hot summer here in Ca,  but growing up in the desert I throughly enjoy the dry heat. Nothing can ever be as bad as summers on the East Coast - that humidity kills me.

Now we are getting settled into our new home in Alameda.  Its really a great little town, with much to offer -  and its so close to SF.  We moved from Park Slope (baby capital of NYC) to Alameda (baby capital of Bay Area).  It has been fairly easy to meet parents/kids here.  Max has also started preschool, which has been a HUGE help.  Having three days to myself, I dont know what to do.  So I am slowly catching up on things I have been putting off/not enough time to do (i.e. this blog)  Ok not going to write too much steps.


xx, MissionMadre