
Its only Tuesday and already I feel like its that bad?

We've had a busy week - haven't really "done" much, in fact.  The weather has been muy frio (hello single digits!) so we have stayed indoors and entertained ourselves with our toys, hide-n-seek and peek-a-boo. We went to the Open Play at the Y to see a few more assholes in the act. Actually, it wasn't as bad as I go on about. It was too cold yesterday for any assholes to come out. Max and I literally ran across the street to the Y (we were bundled up tight) and nearly froze!  Today was actually remarkably warmer so we ventured a bit farther to Barrio to listen to some music by Amelia Robinson. Great music and she plays the ukelele, which Max is fascinated by. Another mom made an appearance today as a musical guest...  It was all around a great time.


Guess Its been awhile since I have included a pic of Max, so here it goes! This was when we were in Orange, Ca over the holidays. Max had SO much fun and perfected his walking!



Its a handful of assholes that make us all look bad...

So Max and I were at the YMCA today for their "Open Play" time - where they have toys, balls in the gymnasium and kids run freely.  Usually Max and I are there when they open at 9am'ish.  This morning we got a later start and when we got there, there were kids all over the place. It wasnt bad.  It was bad that there was one kid with some sort of action figure swinging it all over the place and hitting kids with no parent in sight.  I was able to determing that his mother was sitting on the side texting and not giving two shits about what or who her kid was hitting.  I wanted to go over to her and say something. But I restrained.  It wasnt bad enough that she had one little asshole running around, but she was pregnant with another one.  Argh. 

Here are a few things that asshole parents do that royally piss me off.

1. Park your stroller in a walk way, throughfare, or middle of the sidewalk. Honestly?

2. Not pay attention to your little monster. Maybe you are texting, or talking on your cell phone. You know, real important stuff. If your kid hits, pushes, shoves another baby - at least apologize to the other parent.

3. Not clean up after your kids. If you're in Baby Gap (and not watching your kid) and they pull down a display of t-shirts - at least make some what of a half-assed attempt to clean it up. It doesnt make you look like the asshole you really are.

Ok I am sure that there are loads more things that irk me...but I am done with my rant. For now, at least.


This cold rainy ice can suck it

Hi Y'all. Its been awhile. La madre y el padre y el bebé have been vacationing which means there has been little time to post to the blog.

We got back to NYC last weekend and arrived at our place to find huge piles of snow.  Which is in stark contrast to our trip to the beach the day before we left. 

We left this:                    

and came back to Blizzardgeddon:



Hello from Orange (and 65 degree weather...)




So.....This whole cake is for me?? Yay for First Birthday parties!



















Sorry all you suckers on the East coast who had to weather thru a blizzard. We've been enjoying the warm sunny weather here.

Thought I would put up a few pics of Max's Birthday party here in Orange - his actual Birthday is January 4th.  Its hard to believe that a full year has flown by and my little baby is now walking and (kinda) talking.

This Santa DID NOT I repeat...DID NOT Make Max cry!! This blow up holiday goodness is fairly common to see in front of houses here in Orange. Its how they roll here..

Speaking of rolling...Here's Max with a John Deere tractor that Grandpa bought him.


Here's our little Buccaneer at his First Birthday party. Arggggh Matey!


Its been awhile...

Hope you didn't miss us too much?

We've been busy! Uncle E came to visit end of October, then Grandma and Grandpa came to visit, Swim Lessons, Thanksgiving in Queens... and here it is already the end of November! Time flies by when you are having fun.

Max has four teeth on the top, and two on the bottom and has been eating up a storm.  This kid will pretty much eat anything (puree'd and finger foods) that you put in front of him. I can only hope that his wilingness to try new foods continues.  He has a great sense of humor (much like his mother, if I do say so!) and is always that infectious smile around. People smile when they come across Max.  And his new fave thing to do is point.  And the biggest milestone he's reached [knocking on wood] is that he's been sleeping thru the night. Thank the lord! He had been having some major sleep issues for the past few months (i.e. waking up a few times during the night)

We did lots of sightseeing this past month - still haven't made it back up to the top of the Empire State Building again (last time I went up there was when I visited in 1999). We bought a CitySights tour - which included the Double Decker bus tour, Circle Line (boat tour), and a few other things that we didn't get to use.  It was a pretty fun way to see the city. We even ventured on the Brooklyn tour - where Danny fell out of his seat right as the tour was rounding its final corner (he wasn't hurt just a little shaken up).  We  took Uncle E on a walking tour of Prospect Park and checked out the (super small) Zoo. It kinda reminded me of a much nicer version of Bonnie Springs Ranch, which is where I was taken growing up.

 Ok I am running short on steam I will try to post more soon!