
Uncle E is coming to visit...


So my little Brother is coming to visit us. Its his first time ever in New York.  Trying to think of some fun places to take him. Statue of Liberty, Empire State, Top of the Mark, Brooklyn Promenade, Ikea...the possibilities are endless :) 


I turned into the Hulk last week












I've been watching "Sister Wives", the reality series about a polygamist lifestyle (Think "Big Love" ...but real) Anyways, the patriarch of the family "Kody" is courting his 4th wife. He has said the word courting at least 15 times in the episode I'm watching. I am appalled and grossly intrigued by this series. I can not comprehend the lifestyle.

So enough about this ridic show. Everyone is getting their own reality show. We could have

This past week - the worst thing imaginable (for a mother) happened to me. I locked myself out of the house while Max was inside - thankfully, asleep. We have had some crazy weather recently here in Brooklyn and we had lots of leaves and branches in our garden. After Max went down for his nap, I rolled up my sleeves and jumped into cleaning up the back. I brought out the baby monitor so I could hear when Max woke up. I shut the door behind me as I didn't any bugs to get inside. Little did I know that the door would have locked behind me. I didn't realize that I had been locked out until I tried to dgo back in and get another trashbag. I grab the door handle and jiggle it. I frantically try to open the door. No luck. Sheer Panic sets in. I dont have a phone. No door Keys. And there is no easy way to get into or out of our back yard. Thankfully - the window in our living room was cracked open. It had a screen on it, which I ripped off while panicking. Picture me turning into the Hulk and taking the screen off. I jumped thru the window and I breathed. I was inside and Max was still asleep - unaware of the whole thing. Life is good.

MM out. Be back soon...


9 month visit

So Max is still on track to be the biggest kid in his class. He's nearly 21 lbs already.

Above you see my mad Photoshop skillz - we are the Three Amigos!

Max has been having a rough time sleeping the past week - which has been rough on Danny and I. Now we are trying to determine if we need to start "Sleep Training" him. We will see how he does this weekend - Hopefully it was a stage that he was going thru (Growth spurt? Getting an immunization? Getting a touch of a cold? who knows...) Fingers crossed.

We signed up to the Prospect Park YMCA this week. I have been taking Max to a music class there which he seems to really like. I have meet some cool moms there too. I hope that the Y membership will prove useful when its freezing cold outside - as we can go across the street and play indoors

Max is up from his nap. MM out x


urgh Laundry.

Why is it that everything is so much more difficult with kids? There are all the little things that I took for granted pre-baby (i.e. doing Laundry, shopping, cleaning, and most importantly - blogging) Max has a good 2 hour nap in the mornings and this is when I take advantage of the things I can't do during the day. Ok, so I am mostly looking online for deals on clothes for me. Gilt Group, Rue La La (thanks Truc for exposing me to that site!) But I digress...Laundry. Its on my plate of things to do today. The exciting life of a mom. I do have access to a "Fluff and Fold" where they come and pick up the laundry, wash and fold, and then drop it back off. But I used it on Monday and I feel guilty for using them twice in one week. Plus I have some things that I dont trust them to wash properly (Comforter, shower curtains, rugs, etc.)

Tomorrow - our couch comes. We have been waiting 6 [fucking] weeks for this couch. Try living for 6 weeks without a couch. I'm sick of laying on the floor to watch tv/movies. The couch was shipped from Texas and received last week by a receiver in New Jersey. The guy I have been dealing with has been giving me the runaround on getting it delivered. Yesterday was the last straw. The couch was delivered last [fucking] week and has just been sitting there. He apparently did'nt have anyone to move it to Brooklyn. They are a freaking MOVING company - how can they not deliver this couch. I am perplexed. Well I told him that I was going to rent a truck and come get the damn thing myself - and he quickly changed his tune. They are charging us [are you ready for this?.....] ....$400 to deliver the couch. I'm enraged. NJ is 45 mins away and we could have easily gone and got the thing last week. Again, Max I love you - but you make things a little more difficult :) So now Mister Mover, with the thought of being out $400, is delivering the couch tomorrow. Fingers crossed, and wallets emptied.


We had fun in Prospect Park today..

Thanks Paul for the video - had a great time in the park today. We visited the "Doggy Beach" and used the swings for a bit

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